M. Tsvetkova, H. Olsson, and M. Galesic. 2024. Social networks affect redistribution decisions and polarization. OSF Preprint. doi:10.31219/osf.io/bw7ux.
M. Tsvetkova. 2024. Social science can no longer ignore the social actions of intelligent machines. LSE Impact Blog.
M. Tsvetkova, T. Yasseri, N. Pescetelli, and T. Werner. 2024. A new sociology of humans and machines. Nature Human Behaviour 8:1864–1876.
A. Macanovic, M. Tsvetkova, W. Przepiorka, and V. Buskens. 2024. Signals of belonging: Emergence of signaling norms as facilitators of trust and parochial cooperation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379(1897):20230029.
H. Lietz, M. Jadidi, D. Kostic, M. Tsvetkova, and C. Wagner. 2024. Individual and gender inequality in computer science: A career study of cohorts from 1970 to 2000. Quantitative Science Studies:1–24.
M. Tsvetkova. 2024. Experiment commensurability does not necessitate research consolida-
tion. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e61.
Y. He and M. Tsvetkova. 2023. A method for estimating individual socioeconomic status of Twitter users. Sociological Methods and Research 0(0):1–36.
V. Straub, M. Tsvetkova, and T. Yasseri. 2023. The cost of coordination can exceed the benefit of collaboration in performing complex tasks. Collective Intelligence 2(2).
M. Tsvetkova, S. Müller, O. Vuculescu, H. Ham, and R. Sergeev. 2022. Relative feedback increases disparities in effort and performance in crowdsourcing contests. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6(CSCW2):536.
M. Tsvetkova, O. Vuculescu, P. Dinev, J. Shershon, and C. Wagner. 2022. Inequality and fairness with heterogeneous endowments. PLoS ONE 17(10):e0276864.
J.E. Kim and M. Tsvetkova. 2021. Cheating in online gaming spreads through observation and victimization. Network Science 9(4):425–442.
M. Tsvetkova. 2021. The effects of reputation on inequality in network cooperation games. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376:20200299.
A. Almaatouq, …, M. Tsvetkova, D.J. Watts, M.E. Whiting, and Y. Ming (24 authors). 2021. Scaling up experimental social, behavioral, and economic science. OSF preprint: doi:10.17605/osf.io/knvjs.
M.V. Reiss and M. Tsvetkova. 2020. Perceiving education from Facebook profile pictures. New Media & Society 22(3):550–570.
M. Tsvetkova, C. Wagner, and A. Mao. 2018. The emergence of inequality in social groups: Network structure and institutions affect the distribution of earnings in cooperation games. PLoS ONE 13(7):e0200965.
M. Tsvetkova, T. Yasseri, E. Meyer, J.B. Pickering, V. Engen, P. Walland, M. Lüders, A.
Følstad, and G. Bravos. 2017. Understanding human-machine networks: A cross-disciplinary survey. ACM Computing Surveys 50(1):12.
R. García-Gavilanes, A. Møllgaard, M. Tsvetkova, and T. Yasseri. 2017. Memory remains: Understanding collective memory in the digital age. Science Advances 3(4):e1602368.
M. Tsvetkova, R. García-Gavilanes, L. Floridi, and T. Yasseri. 2017. Even good bots fight: The case of Wikipedia. PLoS ONE 12(2):e0171774.
M. Tsvetkova, R. García-Gavilanes, and T. Yasseri. 2016. Dynamics of disagreement: Large-scale temporal network analysis reveals negative interactions in online collaboration. Scientific Reports 6:36333.
R. García-Gavilanes, M. Tsvetkova, and T. Yasseri. 2016. Dynamics and biases of online attention: The case of aircraft crashes. Royal Society Open Science 3:160460.
M. Tsvetkova and D. Sumpter. 2016. This simple experiment shows how easy it is for society to become segregated. The Conversation, March 16.
M. Tsvetkova, O. Nilsson, C. Öhman, L. Sumpter, and D. Sumpter. 2016. An experimental study of segregation mechanisms. EPJ Data Science 5:4.
M. Tsvetkova and M.W. Macy. 2015. The contagion of prosocial behavior and the emergence of voluntary-contribution communities. In Social Phenomena: From Data Analysis to Models, edited by Bruno Gonçalves and Nicola Perra, pp. 125–143.
M. Tsvetkova and M.W. Macy. 2015. The social contagion of antisocial behavior. Sociological Science 2:36–49.
M.W. Macy and M. Tsvetkova. 2015. The signal importance of noise. Sociological Methods and Research 44(2):306–328.
M. Tsvetkova and M.W. Macy. 2014. The science of ‘paying it forward’. The New York Times, March 16, p.12.
M. Tsvetkova and M.W. Macy. 2014. The social contagion of generosity. PLoS ONE 9(2):e87275.
M. Tsvetkova and V. Buskens. 2013. Coordination on egalitarian networks from asymmetric relations in a social game of chicken. Advances in Complex Systems 16(1):1350005.
T. van der Lippe, V. Frey, and M. Tsvetkova. 2013. Outsourcing of domestic tasks: A matter of preferences? Journal of Family Issues 34(12):1574–1597.
A.K. Shaw, M. Tsvetkova, and R. Daneshvar. 2011. The effect of gossip on social networks. Complexity 16(4):39–47.